Scientific work in the quantum computing field goes in several directions:

  •   quantum computing on cold atoms,
  •   linear-optical quantum computing,
  •   quantum optics,
  •   precision and quantum measurements.
Using Quantum Systems for Acceleration of Computational Algorithms

In this sector, scientists create platforms for quantum computers. Here, theoretical and computational problems related to the design of individual quantum gates and medium- to large-scale linear optical systems are solved; methods for preparing and measuring quantum states of light are being developed.

Single photons and linear-optical elements are the simplest and most accessible tools for performing quantum computing experiments. In this system, a qubit is a single photon that can propagate in two well-defined modes. A qubit can be encoded using any photon's degrees of freedom — polarization, transverse spatial mode, optical path, frequency mode, or time bin. The quantum state transformation of several qubits is carried out using linear-optical elements — beam splitters and phase shifters. Since gates consist of only linear elements, multiqubit entanglement is performed with a finite probability. However, a scalable system for quantum computing can be implemented by including additional resources in the system — auxiliary single photons, different optic modes, and a feed-forward method for controlling the optical system. Modern theoretical research aims to minimize the number of additional resources and the organic use of multiqubit gates with a given probability of success.

In Quantum Technology Centre, research is conducted to create an experimental platform for testing quantum algorithms and optimizing individual elements of a linear-optical computer. Experimental developments are focused on two areas:

  • Creation of single-photon sources.
  • Engineering of linear-optical devices as applied to problems of quantum computing.

Laboratories are uniquely equipped for performing experiments with multiphoton states and integrated optics.