Demultiplexed Single-Photon Source with a Quantum Dot Coupled to Microresonator

M.V. Rakhlin, A.I. Galimov, I.V. Dyakonov, N.N. Skryabin, G.V. Klimko, M.M. Kulagina, Yu.M. Zadiranov, S.V. Sorokin, I.V. Sedova, Yu.A. Guseva, D.S. Berezina, Yu.M. Serov, N.A. Maleev, A.G. Kuzmenkov, S.I. Troshkov, K.V. Taratorin, A.K. Skalkin, S.S. Straupe, S.P. Kulik, T.V. Shubina, A.A. Toropov

Journal of Luminescence, 253, 119496-119502 (2023)

The characteristics of a single-photon emitter based on a semiconductor quantum dot, such as their indistinguishability and brightness, depend on the stability of the recombination channel, which can switch spontaneously between exciton and trion. We show that dominant recombination through neutral exciton states can be achieved by careful control of the doping profile near an epitaxial InAs/GaAs quantum dot placed in a columnar microcavity with distributed Bragg reflectors. The Hong-Ou-Mandel experiments carried out in the fabricated device demonstrate the degree of indistinguishability of 91% of successively emitted single photons within 242 ns at an efficiency of 10% inside a single-mode optical fiber. The achieved brightness made it possible to implement spatio-temporal demultiplexing of photons in six independent spatial modes with an in-fiber generation frequency of more than 0.1 Hz.